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The principles are everywhere. The clue is in the name. 

The principles behind CLARITY are universal. So, it's interesting to see how the principles show up and/or can relate to things like books and personal development models like Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Here's a little introduction to our program.

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Part 1: Paradigms and Principles

Coaches Exploring The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Part 1, Paradigms. It surprising how much there is to review and learn from this book before you even make it to habit 1. Dr. Covey does an amazing job of laying a foundation for the reader to build off as they move into learning about the 7 habits.

As Clarity coaches, we’re seeing this book through a whole new lens and getting so much out of it. By reviewing the 7 Habits through a principles behind CLARITY lens, (3 Principles), the content has so much meaning and is pointing to the to the exact same things as CLARITY and Sydney Banks, The Missing Link.

We encourage you to read the parts of the book that we’re reviewing before watching our videos. That will ensure you have the full context of what we’re discussing.

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Habit 1: Be Proactive

Habit 1 is what enables or facilitates all the other habits. The most impactful thing I read in this chapter is: You are the creator. I’ve heard/read this a hundred times, but this time, looking at it through a principles perspective, it hit me. YOU ARE THE CREATOR. Literally, we are the creator. We create our experience every second and have been since we were born.

As Clarity coaches, we’re seeing this book through a whole new lens and getting so much out of it. By reviewing the 7 Habits through a principles behind CLARITY lens, (3 Principles), the content has so much meaning and is pointing to the to the exact same things as CLARITY and Sydney Banks, The Missing Link.

We encourage you to read the parts of the book that we’re reviewing before watching our videos. That will ensure you have the full context of what we’re discussing.

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Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind.

When Elaine, Lynne and I set out to record this series we each had an end in mind. For me, I wanted to revisit the 7 Habits with all the knowledge and insight I’ve gained over the last 3 years of immersing myself in Clarity, Jamie Smart and the principles behind Clarity. I wanted to do this with like minded people (Elaine and Lynne) who each bring their own experience and insights into the discussion. Lastly, I wanted to be able to share this with you, our audience. These habits and principles have shaped my life and by extension the lives of those around me. It’s my hope that by creating programs like this one, you might be inspired, you might see the world differently, you might be more effective, and you might be more loving to yourself and to others. You know, “change the world” kind of stuff. That’s all.

We encourage you to read the parts of the book that we’re reviewing before watching our videos. That will ensure you have the full context of what we’re discussing.

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Habit 3: Put First Things First

Habit 3 is one of my favorite habits and has inspired my Time Management Hacks series. The skill of managing yourself against time is a game changer. Covey summarizes the field of time management with these 5 words: Organize and execute around priorities. Well, all the episodes in our Coaches Exploring Clarity series are a testament to this practice. Elaine, Lynne and I are in three different time zones around the world. We’ve had to organize our schedules to all be available to record these videos. We’ve had to carve out time in our schedules to read the chapter leading up to our Zoom call, and once recorded, I’ve had to edit and publish the final product. None of this would be possible without organizing and executing around priorities.
We encourage you to read the parts of the book that we’re reviewing before watching our videos. That will ensure you have the full context of what we’re discussing.

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Habit 4: Think Win-Win

There was so much more to explore in this habit than I thought there would be when we started. For me the biggest takeaway from Habit 4 is the idea of relationship building. To have a deeper, longer view of the situation and go for win-win. I also love the emotional bank account metaphor which I teach in my leadership courses. In my experience, virtually every problem we face in relationships can be traced back to a mis-managed emotional bank account. We’re overdrawn and don’t realize it. The key is to make deposits. My hope is that this program is a deposit for you, our audience.

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Habit 5: Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood

As a coach this habit really hits home. It is the basis for how I approach my work with my clients. I seek first to understand. To understand their world, their perspective, their values and beliefs. I love how Covey uses stories to demonstrate the power of empathic listening and the transformations that are possible as a result. Reviewing this habit has reinforced just how important listening at all levels is and has reminded me that I have room to continue to get better at this critical skill.

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Habit 6: Synergize

For me, Habit 6 is where the magic happens and where all the fun is. The idea that 1+1=3, or in the case of our program 1(Greg) + 1 (Elaine) + 1(Lynnes) = 4 or more, is just so exciting.  When people come together, value their differences and discover new alternatives, it’s a true expression our the human spirit.  This is why I loved working on teams and leading teams throughout my career, and why I’m loving coaching so much. Synergizing with my clients and exploring the unknown is fun and rewarding. Our hope is that by sharing these episodes with you, that you see things in a new light, see them differently and discover new and powerful insights that help you in profound ways.

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Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

You know the saying, “save the best for last”, I kind of see habit 7 this way now. It wasn’t always the case. In fact, for most of the last 25 years, habit 7 was the habit I most neglected. Not necessarily as a whole, but I never really could get all four dimensions sorted (heart, body, mind, spirit).  For the most part, heart and mind have always been my focus while spirit and body have been more elusive for me. 

Ove the last couple of years as I’ve studied Clarity and the 3 principles, I’ve settled into the spiritual side of my nature quite nicely. Most recently, thanks to my coach, Oli Mansfield, I’m finally getting a grip on taking care of my body.  I’ve lost lots of weight (and keep losing week after week), as my entire daily routine has been reworked to support my new understanding of why my health is important to me, what I need to do, what works for me and how much better I feel. Of course, when I’m feeling good, everything I do is better. (aka – cutting with a sharpened saw!) 

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The 7 Habits Wrap Up

In our final episode in our series on "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" from a Principles Behind Clarity perspective, we discuss the importance of change coming from the inside out and not relying on fixing external circumstances. We explore the connection between Clarity principles and the concepts in the book, such as being the creator of our own experiences and starting with the end in mind. We also delve into the significance of intergenerational living and the sense of belonging to a tribe. Our hosts share how the book has impacted their thinking and actions, and discuss the role of coaches in guiding change as transition persons. We emphasize the importance of seeking win-win solutions and the power of synergy in relationships. We reflect on the relevance of the book in our personal lives and the value of revisiting its principles. Finally, we express our gratitude for the opportunity to explore this impactful book and the insights gained from our discussions. Don't miss this episode!

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